Monday 2 April 2012

Winners of the Couple photo Competition

Hi, greetings from all of us from Online Relationship. First of all we would like to thank all of your participants for helping us make this contest a great success.

The first winner that will be walking away with a couple perfume from Salvatore Ferragamo Perfume together with The Kube Mp3 player sponsored by will be Erin Liew Yi Zhong with a total of 453 likes.

Thursday 29 March 2012

8th week poll analysis "Do you know or used any online dating site?"

The poll question for last week is "Do You Know or Used any Online Dating Site?". The reason we form this question at the beginning is to figure out whether the web user realize the presents of the online dating sites. There are 15 persons has voted for this poll. Therefore, the answers did not state the obvious, the percentage of both answers is almost equal. According to the result, there are 53% voters answered "No" and 47% of voters has chosen "Yes', the difference only 6%. From the result, we can see that peoples are getting to know and in use of these online dating websites yet, there are still more than half of the people do not realize or give a try to these web sites. 

Friday 23 March 2012

Live Blogging Session

We did a Live Blogging Session on 23th March 2012, we starts from 8.30pm to 10.30pm. The purpose of doing this live blogging session is to communication with our readers. Besides that, we giving a chance to let our readers to ask any question about our blog, our posts and our contest. 

We used our Facebook Page, Twitter account and our own account to tell people that we are having live blogging session on that day. There are quite a number of people visited our blog and did communication with us. They asked questions for the purpose of doing this blog, discussing the poll analysis with us and also ask for the requirement of our contest. We got the feedback from our readers. Most of the readers happy with our answers and one of the reader praise Gary Tan is cute. Other than that, we encourage our readers to join for our contest as well. 

We get a very good experience from this live blogging session. We learnt how to give people a friendly and manners answer and also we learnt how to work together with our groupmate. Lastly, we need to thanks for those people who visit our blog and did the communication with us. Thank You So Much :)

Thursday 22 March 2012

7th week poll analysis "Which is the most important factor in having an Online Relationship?"

Most of you (19votes) have chosen trust as the most important factor to have an online relationship. From both Jack and Arr Chian, we believe that is the factor as well. Gary on the other hand agrees more towards understanding together with 14 of you voters. 

It is hard to have an online relationship so trust is a good factor to consider. We will never know what the other person is doing for real on the other side of the screen. If we believe what they say, that means we trust them. We agree that trust is all it takes to get a relationship going.

Gary prefers understanding because it cover every part of a relationship issue for him. By understanding the other person's attitude, habits and behaviour will automatically build trust among the 2 parties, hence that is why he agrees with understanding instead.

8 person voted for patients. We assume that you all might have faced this issue before and to avoid arguments, patients would be your main choice. We would like you all to consider the fact that, being patient is one thing, but always remember a drip a day to an empty barrel, eventually the barrel will overflow as well. A person can only be patient for that much, so please consider to express feelings as well as discussing the problem to solve it. 

Finally, there was no votes on constant communication. It clashes with our previous post as most of the votes (over95%) agrees that they use online social media everyday. Due to no votes on this particular answer, we can assume that the general public avoids problems. Less communication has less disagreements hence, we are avoiding the problems. Do you agree?

Again, we would like to thank you all for joining us on our short little poll. Tune in again next week to share with us your feedbacks.

Sunday 18 March 2012

6th week poll analysis "Have you experienced in online relationship before?"

The poll question for last week is "HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED IN ONLINE RELATIONSHIP BEFORE?". This question is basically trying to figure out whether people in Malaysia today have experience in online dating. There are only 6 person who participated in this vote. According to the result, there are only 33% of people had the experiences in online dating but the majority of the people are not. The result is surprisingly contrary from our prediction of the result before we created this poll.

Saturday 17 March 2012

Rules and Regulations

We are organizing a contest for you couples to come join us and stand a chance to win some great prizes.

The contest will be held from 25th March 2012to 1st April. Registration closes on 26th March 2012.

Just follow these easy steps to participate.

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Online Relationship: Take it slow

A lot of people involved with online relationship because they are frustrated with their relationship life.  They want to meet interesting people now, and this leaves them perhaps a bit more over jealous than they would have been otherwise.  The result is that they rush into the online relationship process, which can be just as frustrating as their current relationship life.  Take online relationship slow, as this will allow you to attract and find the right kind of person for you instead of just taking what comes. 

The first things you want to do when considering online relationship is find the right site.  There are thousands of online relationship sites out there for you to consider but you need to choose the right one for you.  If there are certain niches that apply to you, such as divorced, a certain race or ethnicity, or anything of the like than chances are you will be able to find a singles relationship website that will be a perfect fit for you.  Just shops around a little bit and see what is out there for you.

Monday 12 March 2012

5th Week poll analysis "Do you think online relationship can last long?"

We have total of 10 votes for this poll question " Do you think online relationship can last long?" There are 60% of people agreed that online relationship can last long and there are only 40% of people think that online relationship cannot last long in today. 

Nowadays, a lot of people willing to have an online relationship also don't want a real life relationship. Besides that, in our advantages of online relationship mentioned that a lot of people go for online relationship is because they can save their time to go out dating with their partner and also they will more appreciate each other since they seldom meet up. So, 60% of people agreed that online relationship can last long in this century. 

Sunday 11 March 2012

Tips That Helps to Succeeding with Online Dating

Some of the online dating can work out, but some don't. Some of the people had experience online dating just for fun and some of the people go for online dating and they mean it. There are tips that helps to succeeding with online dating.

1. Show your goods but not bads.
In personal profile, tell the strengths about yourself but not the weaknesses about yourself. This is because it will attract people come to you just because of who you are and what you like to do. You can show your weaknesses, but overall the profiles that about you yourself has to be positive.

2. Keep things real but stay positive.
When you got the opportunity to get contact with someone else, keep things real and stay positive. It is not good to ask them with a lot of questions but only few, maybe one or two. Let them to answer you more than you ask. By doing this, it can helps you to built rapport and move your relationship between one another to a higher level.

Wednesday 7 March 2012

Does long distance online relationship last till marriages?


I will be discussing the realities of online, long distance relationships. Question that would be asked by our own self would be "Whether this relationship would work out or not?"

First of all, this type of relationship exists and yes; they are REAL relationships. In this day and age it's not really difficult to find someone to talk to and fall in love with even if they're a gazillion miles away for as long they have an internet connection.
Stages that would take place: 1.) Meeting
                                             2.)Getting to know one another
                                             3.)Connecting feeling with one another
                                             4.)Lastly would be Confusion stage

Monday 5 March 2012

Choosing Between Two People

Have you been dating, flirting with, or just interested in two people for some time?  If so, you may feel that it is time to make a choice between the two people so you can truly start a relationship with one.  If you feel badly for being interested in two people, don’t, there are a lot of people who are in a similar position.
First and foremost, you should consider the idea that you don’t have to settle for just one.  You can continue to date both people for as long as you like and really get a sense of who each person is and what they can bring to your life.  If you are interested in two people it generally means that you need to get to know them both a bit more so you can see who is really more suited for you.
If you feel ready to be in a committed relationship and you just aren’t sure which one to pursue it with, consider who shares your beliefs or values.  When you are with someone who shares more of your beliefs or values you will have something to build a relationship on.  Of course, they don’t have to share all of your beliefs and values, but choosing the person who shares at least some of your beliefs than you will be better off.

Saturday 3 March 2012

Online Dating and what it can do for you

Online dating has been the latest craze. A lot of people have employed the services of these sites and have successfully found their perfect mate.

One of the benefits of online dating sites is its simplicity and uncomplicated nature. It is not difficult to decipher how online dating sites work since the purpose of the sites is already stated in its names. It is also easy to navigate your way in the sites because the hosts have made it easy to understand how to create profiles and filter viewers.

Online dating also offers a comfortable and convenient method of finding the right one. You can be yourself in your profile or you can choose to be another person provided that you have what it takes to stick with what is in your profile. Complications brought about by mismatched schedules can also be lessened in online dating sites since there is no rush to meet up and see each other.

Thursday 1 March 2012

4th week poll analysis "Would you end your relationship with the other party if one of you will be abroad?"

The poll question for last week is "WOULD YOU END YOUR RELATIONSHIP WITH OTHER PARTY IF ONE OF YOU WILL BE ABROAD?". The reason we question this is to figure out whether our partner will be abroad is a big barrier to continue the relationship. There are 27 votes for this question. The answer from the participants was quite consistent. As a result, there are 89% (24 votes) of the people will not let go to the relationship even their loved one will be abroad. However, there are only 11% (3 vote) people from the chart end the relationship when their partner is going to be abroad. 

Tuesday 28 February 2012

What’s the Fuss with Online Dating?

The advancements in technology have benefited people in a lot of ways. With the help of new gadgets and machines, we can now do things faster and enjoy activities more. For example, if we want to tell something to someone, we can just text, call or email that person. A number of music players, game consoles and gadgets have also come out to make sure that we have fun during our free time. But now, these technological advancements are not just helpful in our day-to-day activities. These new discoveries may even help us find our special someone through online dating!
Online dating allows you to meet and mingle with people through the Internet. Several websites host free online dating services, where you will just have to tell something about yourself and post your picture. You can then start finding people who match your interests or who pass your qualifications.

Thursday 23 February 2012

3rd week poll analysis "Online social media brings me closer to my loved ones and friends"

The question of this poll is about "Online social media brings me closer tot my loved ones and friends", how much do you agree with the statement? The purpose of setting up this question is to find out whether the social media is the important tool to maintain the relationship. There are 30 persons who answered this question. According to the result,  most of the people were agreed with the statement which consist of 73% (22 votes) of the chart. However, people who disagreed are only 20% and people who are neutral minded stand 7% of the chart. Which mean most of the people are using online social media to communicate and keep in touch and only minority of them are not. The result is quite predictable since we are living in the high technology world now. 

Monday 20 February 2012

为什么谈网恋? Why Online Relationship? (Podcast)


Halo..大家好。我是今天这个主题的主持人,Jack。究竟我们今天要谈些什么?就是关于"为什么要谈网恋?" 其实在这个年代,谈网恋已经是一个很普遍的事。相信很多人都试过吧?就算你没谈过,你周遭的朋友也总会有的。就好象7-11酱,总有一间在附近。其实我也有朋友在不知不觉中,自己在网络上谈恋爱。他告诉我他不明不白就在一起了,可是过后也不明不白的分开了。把恋爱演变成好像速食一样,来得很快,去得更快。



Saturday 18 February 2012

网络交往的益处 (podcast)


您好!近年来, 网络交往已经成为了人们热门的话题之一。许多人都不了解的说到底网络交往有什么益处。好,就让我把网络交往的益处告诉大家吧!


1.  现今的社会,人们都不能脱离网络。因此,网络交往形成了一种优点。而最大的优点是,人们可以在网页中寻找自己想要的类型。例如,兴趣,年龄,种族,地点等等。就类似网络购物一样。在网页中,觉得他很好看,就开始联络对方,而且不会感到尴尬。

2.  网络交往也给那些人不常出门,或者对陌生人比较慢熟的人带来不少益处。他们可以通过网络进行沟通,并且熟悉了对方以后才决定而邀请对方出来见个面。这样一来,他们不会导致整个场面变得尴尬而且还会让人家觉得舒服。

3.  人们花多数的时间在网络,而且现在多数人都使用智能手机。因此,就算他们再忙碌而没有时间出来见面,也可以通过网络来联络感情。除此之外,他们可以把自己的生活作息发布在一些社交网页中,另一半也可以通过社交网页知道对方在做些什么。 这样,给网络情侣带来不少的便利。

4.  网络交往与现实交往的不同就是现实交往要常常出来见面,而网络交往之需通过网页交往,不须特地找时间出来与自己的伴偶见面谈情。因此,网络交往的感情可以比现实交往的感情更加持久。



Thursday 16 February 2012

Cara menjaga privasi dalam internet (Podcast)


Selamat sejahtera. 
Sama seperti kita hidup dengan batas-batas dalam kehidupan nyata, kita harus mempertahankan batas dalam talian. Keselamatan tindakan pencegahan perlu dilakukan oleh setiap orang yang ada profil dalam halaman perjodohan untuk memastikan privasi mereka.
Berkongsi maklumat peribadi dengan seseorang di sisi lain dari skrin boleh berbahaya, kerana ia boleh dicapai oleh penonton global. Membuat akaun e-mel berasingan untuk korespondensi perjodohan akan bermanfaat dalam hal sambungan gagal mengarah ke satu orang mengintai yang lain.

Sunday 12 February 2012

2nd week poll analysis "Do you agree to have an online relationship?"

We have a total of 18 votes this time around. 44% have agreed to the question and are willing to have an online relationship. Please tune in to our podcast if you are one of the people who agrees because there are certain things you might want to know to assure your privacy and safety is confirmed. Wish you all the best and hope it might bear fruits one day =)

Some of the respondents are not too sure about the the whole idea of having an online relationship. A total of 39% of the people answered "maybe". It is understandable as we are moving through the phase of life where we spend most of our time online. Even though we all know that reality is where our truth and real destiny lies, temptation will always be there.

Saturday 11 February 2012

The Advantages of Online Relationship

People tend to go for online relationship rather than real life relationship. Why?  There must be some reason behind.A lot of people think that online relationship doesn't have any advantage, but actually there are some advantages hidden behind.

1.     The most greatest advantages is you can search the world, you can specifically search for the type of people that you want, geographical location, race, age group, same hobby, which country you like and so on. It just like a online shopping to get what you want.

2.     Online relationship is also good for those people who are uncomfortable to meeting people in the public places, who are shy to talk face to face. They can chat online and get more familiar only find a day to meet up. 

Friday 10 February 2012

The Disadvantages of Online Relationship

Online relationship, what makes this sound so wrong? How could a person get together and in love with each other when you have not meet him/her yet in the real life? How possible are you to fall in with the person through Internet? All these thoughts should take into consideration before a person started online relationship with another person. The easy access to the Internet has made online relationship a popular choice for others; especially it is appealing to the younger generation.

Though online relationship is quite common now, yet you may need to consider before jumping in, exclusively on the disadvantages side. 

Monday 6 February 2012

1st week poll analysis "Where do you think online relationship always start?"

First of all thank you all for your kind votes and support to our blog. Most of you (67%) agreed that starts relationship. has many applications such as the live chat and 'People you may know' column that ease the users to communicate, find, and making new friends.

Online games had 20% of the votes which it is a surprise, because many people playing games spend more time doing something in common with each other. Of course there is a certain percentage that the other person might not be who he/she is. There is always a self cautious attitude when it comes to games where people playing a character of the opposite sex, for example in the game of World of Warcraft where a guy plays a female character. In the game, yeap, looks can be deceiving.

Saturday 4 February 2012

Different types of cyber dating

Online dating websites are online sites created to help people find and seek serious relationships that can lead to marriage and offline commitments. This type of virtual dating is a great way of matchmaking and helping people find their one true love among the millions of members around the world.

Today, psychological studies have stipulated that one of the biggest reasons for divorce and misunderstanding in relationships is incompatibility, and this is what online websites for dating are trying to prevent. They are designed to find a match for everyone and make them possible to meet even if they are located across the globe.

Cyber dating is used by different people with different nationalities that are interested in meeting people from all sides of the world. It serves as a means of communication even if you are from a different country; if you have met someone you are interested in and she/he is located in places that are too far away from your location, the internet is the easiest way for the two of you to talk to each other.

Thursday 2 February 2012

The Good Things About On-line Dating

On-line dating, just like speed dating, is a whole new way of meeting and dating people.  It sounds promising and exciting.  It deviates from the dating that everyone got used to and adds a little spice on it.
Imagine finding someone on the other part of the globe.  You have no idea who he is.  You don’t what kind person he is and what he looks like.  The way you interact through words and instant messages are your only way to know each other.  You have the option to meet in person or not.  It depends on your choice.
There are many good things about on-line dating that singles must see.  On-line dating allows you to meet people regardless of location.  Powered with technology, it allows communication without issues on distance.  You can meet people even from the other side of the globe.

Tuesday 31 January 2012

Online Dating: The possibility of creating a serious relationship

Online dating is commonly known as a virtual way of knowing people who are seeking for friendship, love, long term commitment and even marriage. There have been a lot of people around the world who are joining different virtual dating websites just to find or seek love and serious relationship with the opposite sex. It is not hard to find someone who will be of your interest in these kind of websites, and there is a big possibility to know someone whom you will be attracted to and soon might turn into something good.
The internet today has been well-developed and advanced to the point that even communicating from the across the globe is possible. It became a great way for a person to use as a tool if he/she wants to meet potential dates or romantic partners. The main idea of dating in the internet is not only to flirt with someone, but also to help millions of people find their true love and a person that is compatible with them.

Monday 30 January 2012

How Did an Online Relationship happen?

Internet is so popular nowadays. Most of the teenager go for internet during their free time. Teenagers know new friend through the social networking site, blogging, online gaming and so on. For some example:,, and Defence of the ancient (DOTA) online game and others. 

So, how did an online relationship happen? People knowing new friend through social networking site, they start to chit chat everyday through MSN messenger, Facebook chat and other social site. They start to online everyday to chit chat whole night, play online game together to know each other more. 

Sunday 29 January 2012

Why Online Relationship?

Online Relationship is not a strange word to the society today. There must be people around you or even you yourself had experience it before. But why online relationship? Here I got few example/reason to explain it.

The technology is keep on improving. No doubt, internet is one of the important element for the folks to communicate. Other than that, internet are getting more amazing features that we never toguht it could happened before. That is why otaku today is increasing.We used to send a love letter to our love one in century ago but now the way to send our love message is totally change. There are plenty way to do so in the

Friday 27 January 2012

What is an online relationship?

This site is created to discuss the behavior of the people nowadays that allow relationships online.

Online Relationship can be both an intimate relationship as well as interpersonal relationships between the two individuals. 

Examples on the poll, relationships online often happens without physically meeting the other person at all. Be it from games or social networks, it is a common phenomenon happening all around the world.