Wednesday, 7 March 2012

Does long distance online relationship last till marriages?


I will be discussing the realities of online, long distance relationships. Question that would be asked by our own self would be "Whether this relationship would work out or not?"

First of all, this type of relationship exists and yes; they are REAL relationships. In this day and age it's not really difficult to find someone to talk to and fall in love with even if they're a gazillion miles away for as long they have an internet connection.
Stages that would take place: 1.) Meeting
                                             2.)Getting to know one another
                                             3.)Connecting feeling with one another
                                             4.)Lastly would be Confusion stage

NOW, IS IT REALLY POSSIBLE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH SOMEONE YOU'VE MET ONLINE?  Yes. Love is about connections. Have you ever wondered why some people are so different but still loves each other? It's because they have connection that no one can ever explain. Same goes with people who fall in love online. It's funny to some but when love hits you, it hits you. Whether you fall for someone you see crossing the street everyday or with someone you've never seen in person, it's the same thing.

So have confidence when you are in a long distance online relationship with your partner and in this kind of relationship, there are six characteristics that can be followed to make the relationship work and they are respect, trust, faith, quality time, open communication and of course not forgetting LOVE.

References : Do online long distance relationships work?

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